Docker - A Better Way to Build Apps
A compact, quick guide to orchestrating and deploying scalable services with Docker
- 24 lectures
- 02:01:26
- Beginner
About This Course
Docker is one of the world’s best software container platforms. The use of containers in Docker makes it easy to develop, deploy and execute applications. Abstraction helps developers to run applications inside the containers. Docker containers enable developers to make changes to their Docker pictures and also control the versions of the pictures. With the help of Docker, we can build a container image and use it multiple times during deployment..You will start with promptly installing Docker and start working with images and containers. You will be introduced to different types of containers and their applications, we would also guide you on how to find and build images. You will also gain knowledge on how you can contribute to the image repository by publishing different images. This will accustom you with the image building process and you will be able to successfully run your programs within containers.By the end of this course, you will be confident in deploying your applications using Docker and will have a clear understanding of concepts, techniques, and practical methods to get it running in production systems.
Other Information
- Certificate will provided in this course on Completion
- Full lifetime access
- Available on Mobile & Laptop
What Students Will Learn In Your Course?
- Install Docker on Linux, AWS, Google Compute Engine, and Microsoft Azure.
- Run Commands to Customize an Image
- Optimize your Dockerfile
- Troubleshoot Containers and Images
- Explore Advanced Build Options and Image Tags
- Build Images with Docker
- Manage and share Docker images
- Manipulate Volumes to Preserve Container Data
Are There Any Course Requirements Or Prerequisites?
You should have some experience using the Linux Command.
Who Are Your Target Students?
This course is designed for SysAdmins, Operations staff, Developers, and DevOps who are interested in deploying the open source container service Docker.
Course Content
- 24 lectures
- 02:01:26
Packt Publication
- 2105 Reviews
- 137 Students
- 934 Courses